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    designed by watch me dance; see me soar; know i'm beautiful image by deviant artist *elayna

    Wednesday, August 30, 2006

    I wanna go 3/4 nxt year. It’s a need and a must. Cos I DON WANT physics.
    No more boring lessons for me.
    BIO rocks my world <3
    Got the subject comb paper last last last fri. had compre test too. BOO.
    I think I’m gonna take pure lit and elective history. HAHA

    On nat day went to nat stadium with cass tan, jesyca and yen en.
    It’s the LAST YEAR at nat stadium. I mean ndp.
    Now I regret not joining rc one year earlier. Then I might have a chance to be part of ndp.
    Anyway, emotions rang high at this last parade. TEARS.
    Maluation lorhs.
    Then got stuck in ferocious jam. Like 1 hour plus plus.
    But was a nice parade. Nat lim was in comb schs choir. LALALA.

    Gym. Did footwork for stupid floor exercise. DANCE, ELEGANCE BLAH BLAH.

    Hcl last last tues. ms wee got a bit fed up wid us not handing up our work etc. then she scolded us for about 45 mins. More than half the lesson gone pls. So she said that if the rest of us still don hand up by that day she will go to mrs koh and give demerit point and DC. As in detention classes. And she said that from now on she wants to do the namelist thingy herself. No depending on Chinese rep. Which is ME. Hey its not my fault ok. It’s the rest of the class being irresponsible. I did do my work. And somemore she always give me so much work. And make me stay back to do checking.

    Got back ih test last mon. highest was 15 over 20. I got 13. so I guess the revision etc paid off. But got a sci test and a math test coming up. Wahlau. Tests and more tests.

    Started tennis for PE last tues. was quite ok. Partnered chewlin. Then I was hitting it the badminton way. And the ball always went lowlow. But I managed to serve. still got the hitting part to improve on. HAHA prodots was quite chaotic. And abit boring. Oh ya. Mr chan had this cute lil I love egg video thingy on his laptop. And he played abit for us. HAHA. Ms kaur was having mood swings in class as usual. Scream, smile, scream, smile. She can be et’s successor. HAHAHA. Then had internal flag day last tues too. Was grouped with lavonne and tr. Our group was like super pathetic. Everyone donated to razmiah’s group. BOO.

    I love this:
    i wonder if you know
    how they live in tokyo
    if you see me then you mean it
    then you know you have to go
    fast and furious! (kitaa!) drift, drift, drift.
    fast and furious! (kitaa!) drift, drift, drift.

    Last thurs. was quite ok. In class yuxin, sarah and jiaying were playing with the MELTED cherry blossom kit kat. They TWISTED, PRESSED and SQUEEZED it. Imagine how disgusting is that. So, in the end it broke. Yuxin squeezed it into an empty tissue pack. And the kit kat turned out in a brown and pink mash. Sarah was playing with it. And all of us were laughing like hell. Mr tan was too busy with the others to care. HAHA. Oh yea. Debate. REALITY TV IS NOT REAL. My class was the proposition. Then 2e4 was the opposition. And we WON!! Dhanya was so over-confident beforehand for her precious class. HAHAHA. then during eng ms kaur was like, if she was the judge, she would have said that nobody won. And cos no one defined it and blahblahblah. And so that is the sad story of how we got blasted at for NOTHING.

    Then after hcl ms wee took me aside and asked me all the names of the ppl who never hand up work etc. then she said she will give demerit pt. Or rather, she said dismerit pt. Mass stretch. Found out tat the crappy exercises were for ACES DAY. ok. At least better than the flush flush toilet thing. HAHA. During lit got blasted at by ms b tan. WHATEVER. I don care.

    Then after ms kaur got over her mood swing during eng, we had a mini class debate. CCA IS A WASTE OF TIME. Those who agreed went to the proposition. Then those who don agree went to opposition. Christmas, chewlin, sarah and me went proposition. HAHA. Actually I’m neutral. Cos there are some days I like rc and some days I don. But I used to hate rc to the core so I went to the proposition. Later, tr told the story of pumping in the toilet and we were all laughing. And the opposition was really retarded. They actually encouraged HOLDING THE 1.5L BOTTLE FILLED TO THE BRIM IN PUMPING POSITION BY THE MOUTH!!! Since they like it so much why don they try it eh?? And Ms kaur rebutted every single statement we made. My opinion of her has just dropped by almost 50 percent. All those things she said were really bad. I’m not even going to mention it here. It will just hurt more ppl. Anyways. Got back our NSW eng writing competition shit. I got credit. And SURPRISE!! Sarah got DISTINCTION. Together with lucia. And sarah scored 27/37. while I got 26. wahlau. One more mark. Christmas, yuxin and chewlin got credit too. HAHA.

    Last fri had rc. First we had evac lesson. Quite ok la. then our seats got switched. I mean me and chewlin. So I ended up with alfee. Marie stuff. HAHA. Then we had community singing for the first time. Was quite nice. Then footdrill. I messed up cos I forgot my left and right. Kinda weird. And I’m surprised at the rate info travels. News of the class debate was spread like wildfire. Cos alfee was asking me whether I had plans to quit rc cos she heard wat happened the other day in class. Pls la. do I look as if I’m quitting?? Its JUST A DEBATE, for God’s sake. Can you people just TAKE IT EASY??

    Last sat. PTM. It was super boring pls. Listen to them TALK AND TALK AND TALK. My father fell asleep. HAHA. then during the POA talk he was like saying, oh you must take POA, its very imp etc. now I think he wants me to do business or something. Oh no. I don want business. It’s a crappy thing. Human resource or the media is more suited to me. HA. was sitting with cz and chewlin during PTM. Saw yuxin and her dad. And dhanya with her bro saradvata and her dad. Saw sarah, june and christmas too. Then after PTM ended my father left and I proceeded to rc room. Flag day.

    Then went for lunch at macs with tr, Natasha and razmiah. Only 40 mins to eat. Then all of us walked to coro to take 74 to Fairfield meth. Hidayah cried in the bus. Something to do with rc. We met rc ppl from river valley etc at FMSS. No crescent or SCGS. So sad. We were quite late I think. Mrs pillai was at FMSS. Then we collected our tins and stickers etc. split into 2 groups. Was with hidayah. Then we decided to go to AMK. And took bus 166. but the ride was so long we decided to drop at Chinatown first. There were ppl from RGS and bendemeer there too. Tharsh and I saw a robbery. This fat woman was chasing a guy and shouting vulgarities. I happen to understand hokkien and so I knew it was a robbery. Then she shouted “ chase the man” and then a foreign cleaner put down his broom and chased the guy. They ran into a carpark so I dint know what happened next. There was so many people there but all were staring and not helping. Quite sad actually to realize that a foreign worker has to do this for us. I wanted to give chase too but then I had the tin and what if he stole that too or molested me or something?? And the carpark is covered so even if I caught up with him who knows what might happen?? Obviously I cant overpower him. And what stuck me and tharsh was that he looked super decent. Anw, after that tharsh and I were very careful of out things. HAHA. After like an hour we went to geylang. Yea GEYLANG. At the Aljunied mrt station area. Chij tp was there. Together with a guy from HQ I think. A nice nice woman donated a lot. Then she even joked with me. Then there was this guy who donated twice cos his son wanted to play with the sticker. I wanted to give him the sticker for free but then he donated again. So I felt bad. Anw, there was this cheers store there and the cashier was super funny and nice. TOP CLASS SERVICE! Then we took mrt to dover and took 166 back to FMSS. Waited a long time for linette’s grp. Then we went in. was the last school I think. Samantha’s tin was the heaviest. HAHA.

    Then we went home. I took 166 with tharsh, Natasha, yamuna and Stephanie to AMK mrt. But I ended up dropping at united square and taking mrt home from there. Then I ended up replaying the song my island home at least 15 times on natasha’s mp3. HAHAHA. and before that I was annoying everyone by singing nat day songs over and over again. HAHAHA. and I think we encountered a mystery donor from the HQ. I’m sure of it. His bag and face looked familiar. VERY.

    Last sun was the nat day rally speech. I watched the malay and Chinese version. Then my mother cooked chawan mushi. And then miso soup. So had Japanese food. But I wanted sashimi. BOO. After that did some science and the UN and ASEAN shit. Then did HE evaluation. Cooked the MUSHROOM RISOTTO WITH CINNAMON AND CURRY LEAVES on fri. and then did green tea with lemon. Super racial harmony-ish. HAHA. so miss ramlah said EVERYONE got distinction. YAYS.

    Anw class and CCA photos came out last last week. 2E5 HAD THE MOST PERFECT FORMAL PHOTO!!! Everyone looked nice. YAYS. CCA formal photo was abit of a mess. But still, I dint look completely hideous so I’m HAPPY. HAHA.

    The jap students from TOYAMA PREFECTURE came last mon. they put up a really nice performance. And then I heard the HOKKIADO FOLK SONG!!!! Gosh. So nice can. And after that I was bowing and saying ‘ohayo gozaimasu’ to everyone and irritating them. HAHAHA. there was 2 jap students in my class. One was called miki. I don know the other one. HA. And there was this tanned, nice guy but he was ZENIA’S HOST BROTHER. NO FAIR!!! As in zenia from 2/4. Art was super funny cos ms lum and mr chan wanted to take pics but mrs lo was like, nonono, if you want to take pics you have to tell me earlier so I can clear up the room for you. Then poor ms lum got chased out of the art room. Mrs lo started pushing 8 tables and she said “ lets push this.” Then she stuck out her butt and everyone started laughing cos she had to bend down to push the tables. I wa laughing like hell and she saw me so she made me throw al the rubbish in the sink away. Then after that I was still laughing so she said, peijin, you are tickled by a laughing bug. In that prim and proper way. So I laughed more. HAHAHA. Art was ok la. We were drawing the potrait of Georgette Chen. Some artist who came to Singapore from china.


    Oh yea. That reminded me. Had gym on tues too. Was average la. then after gym I got a msg from sl. He finished his rugby training at 7 what. I dint feel like replying and I was super bored while waiting for my father so I called him. Then we had a long chat. More than half an hour. And in the end I my anger with the 2 freaks subsided. Then he told me abt his school stuff. Turns out that there is this funny teacher that sounded like mr goh. HAHAHA.

    Wed. had dot lesson. Went to the new performing arts studio. The lighting and all were very nice and kinda cool. We saw the prop the showtime people used too. Dot was about showing care and concern etc. after much talking ms b lim showed us a slide show of a few photos taken in school. Apparently they were all photos of litter etc. as in the sense that we don show enough care and concern for our school to clear up after we leave etc. then there were a few photos of PADS being dumped carelessly everywhere. There was one photo with a bloody PAD on the PARADE GROUND. Gosh. So ms b lim was like asking how did the pad get there. Here is the transcript. Its meant to be funny.
    Ms b lim: how did the pad get there?
    Genevieve: oh. Because it has wings!

    Then we got back our lit test. Gosh. I got only 11 over 20. same as sarah. Yuzin, chewlin and Christmas failed. I expected so much from this test but then it turned out to e so dismal. Then we got our progress report physics marks. I failed damn miserably. 36.7 over 100. during hcl we had a Chinese test too. Oh my. Everything started falling apart. Then in the afternoon my family all went downstairs to burn joss paper. took a long time cos couldn’t light up the candle. And plus my anger from tues, I had a headache. So I was feeling very bad.

    Messy life. Anw fri had rc. Were practicing for FA comp. As in first aid comp. Damn funny pls. Everyone were laughing. Then we had horrendous aop. Argh. I HAVE A MESSY LIFE!! Groans. And I was way pissed cos people keep coming up to me and asking me whether I wanted to quit rc. They are driving me NUTS with their consistent prattling. Tests results are out. Got 27.5 over 40 for home econs. Then 21 over 25 for maths graded assignment. And 31 over 50 for hcl test. Then 34.5 over 50 for eng test. The results were quite alright but I had this nagging feeling that I am gonna fail my progress report in the worst possible way. Sigh. My physics is getting from bad to worse. And there were like a whole load of assignments and projects that were due this week. Then having aop tmr too. I AM TIRED AND SICK OF EVERYTHING. I AM MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY STRESSED. CANT YOU ALL SEE THAT??

    Amw got back progress report today. And science bio test. Sexual repro. I got highest in class. 35.5 over 40. YAYS!! told ya. I specialize in BIO. stupid mr goh luh. Go minus 2 marks for the menstruation date thing. Its only ONE DAY difference pls. Hmph. So we are expected to let our parents sign the shit progress report. Gosh. I failed my sci like hell. Cos they count the phy test. Which I failed. Ended up I only got 36.7 over 100. HORRORS!!! But other than that, my marks were actually average. For eng, I got 70.8 which is an A2!!! Then hcl was 64.5, maths 66.4 and home econs 68.8. art was surprisingly ok. Mrs lo gave me an A2. 70. lit was horrible. Only 59.5. which I think I just a mark short of a B4. the only A1 I had came from my IH. Amazingly I scored 93.3 for my ifolio. So my overall was 80. and it turned out that 80 is actually the highest in level. Ohmygosh.

    And I played kinball with Nathalie ng, june and gen in the qualifying round. We fun but we lost. The score was 3,4 and 5 if I’m not wrong. 2/6 got into the finals for tmr.

    So I am gonna lie tmr AGAIN. I don want to go for aop. It’s a waste of time. I will just get scolded and blamed. I don see the point of getting screamed at when the whole group dusen cooperate. I did stay back on tues intending to do the dance. But some lavonne and hui tze gave me a lot of crap. Like how they cant dance immediately etc. and they were SINGING and nt doing anything. I was practically begging them to do the dance but they were just so STUBBORN and CHILDISH.

    Anw, I am so looking forward to teachers day tmr. CLASS PARTY!!! Yays!!! but this would also be the first teachers day that I dint get any prezzie for any of the teachers. I do feel bad. Esp for my favourite teachers like ms shen and mrs pillai. it is hard to think up suitable presents for them. But I PROMISE, next year would be different. Next year will be UNIQUE.

    oh ya and i posted dedications on the teachers day website :))

    fantasised at
    7:17 PM

    Thursday, August 10, 2006

    It has been so long since I last blogged properly.
    Dunno why. Just dun feel like it.

    Just a couple of updates.
    SFA course. The crescent woman is actually called seow ley wee. She knew the 1996-7 st marg rc chair. Hwee hong and Sabrina. Shall go search the yearbook.

    Oh yes. And I got a bdae present for sarah during the second SFA lesson. Was at ps having lunch. Long lunch break what. So got sarah a sort of keychain. With her name on it. Nice nice. Oh yes. Still have not gotten judi a bdae present. Like so long overdue redi. But the prob is, I DUN KNOW what to get her. Its so difficult pls. And christmas bdae is, like, now?! She wants the chocolate mints. But I want to get her something else. HAHA.

    And I saw my friend yejing from crescent rc at HQ. Packing some tin can stuff with her mates. I think its for flag day. and she lives at bishan now I think. WHEE!!

    POTC. I watched it. I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP!!!!

    The other day yuxin was cutting her fringe in cls. Coz ms kaur said her fringe too long. Then she got so mad she took out a pair of scissors and starting cutting her hair. Literally. So funny ok!!!

    Health check. Its like so WRONG pls. The nurses were checking backbone. And the prob is, THE WHOLE CLASS was nt in pe attire. Ms kaur la, dun tell us got health check on that day. so we were in uniform. And check backbone need to TAKE OFF shirt one marhs. HORROR!!!

    We still proceeded on. Then it was my turn. The nurse removed my uniform for me!! I feel VIOLATED pls. Like excuse me, I got hands!!!!

    Then while waiting for the report to be churned out sarah, chewlin, Christmas, the others and I sat in a circle. Sarah told some ghostie story about husky tears. Like when a husky tears, you take their tears and put it in ur eyes. So as to see a lot of stuff. Sarah got husky at home, so she said she did it and saw a lot of stuff. Aiya. Everyone was going gaga over the HUSKY instead of the SCARY stuff. If you ask me, the scariness kinda backfired. HAHA.

    Hong kong students. Got 2 of them in my HCL class. Zhi en and another girl. Then the tchr was so innovative. He gave us passages about values etc in Chinese and told the hong kong girls to read out in CANTONESE. And then told fats to read out in HOKKIEN. And he himself told us that he studied jap for 9 years, and then proceeded to read it out in JAPANESE. Wow.

    Oh yes. That time I malu-ed myself like hell pls. YM and her friend faith senior wanted me to do split. Right smack in the middle of the pathway leading to the hall. During taf. Malu malu malu malu malu malu malu malu malu malu malu malu.

    And that time I was at the bus stop with akshaya, cz and some others when I saw mr shah and a female tchr. They were tchrs from my pri school!!!! Yea so talked to them awhile and then they left. Kinda made me miss my pri sch. A LOT.

    Oh and I retook 2.4. ran like hell ok!!! First 3 rounds I DID NOT EVEN STOP LA!!!! Vivien and Nathalie were pacers. I passed. But was gonna FAINT in the end pls. So dizzy and my legs were like so painful. I HATE running. Except sprints.

    And that day there was an explosion. Melinda’s grp did some yeast in a bottle thing for the math project and then obviously yeast expands. So the bottle could not take it and the whole thing just exploded. Were laughing like mad.

    Had DOT on wed. Were discussing pre-marital sex. The yes and no. Christmas, vivien and I were writing all sorts of crap. And laughing like crazy lunatics.

    Ohoh. Forgot. I PASSED SFA!!!! Am now a FULLY CERTIFIED PERSON TO DO FIRST AID!!!! Got 26 over 30 for theory paper. Dint really study. And then I got so retarded over a stupid thing that day. lets hope I forget that. crystal got 28 over 30. tr and razmiah got 25. lavonne got 22. SEE?? NOT BAD RIGHT??? I AM A YEAR ONE AND I STILL GET SO HIGH!! HAHA. PROVES MY HIGH IQ!!!!

    Then we had prodots presentation. My grp got blasted at by mr chan. Coz of our ppoint. Stupid luh. Den he sort of go scold the whole cls.

    thurs is my fav day of the week!!! Oh and I am so dead pls. Went to hub to pig out instead of doing the POP thing. But I cld only stay till 2.05 and the sec 1s were still having lessons so what do you expect me to do?? STONE??? So far the cheorography is average. I am SO gonna change it. If I dun like it. Its just TOO BAD. Coz if you want to dance, at least do a PROPER job of it. I BET on that day people will go all STIFF and suddenly turn into SHY YOUNG LADIES. I HATE that. Then whats even the point of dancing?? Must as well scrape off the performance la. Yea so if any one of you is reading this now, do REMEMBER THIS.

    Then that day was ndp preview. Could see the fireworks from my house. Damn nice pls!! And there was getai too. Glad glad. Music to accompany my studies!! How nice can that be???

    Fri had rc. Footdrill. Then played the tangle game. Then phototaking. Took super long pls. Until like 6.30. wanted to stay back to watch CAC, but then decided to go home. MAJOR JAM at rjc that side. So reached home only at 7.20. BOOS XD. Sms-ed yen en, saccharine and YM abit and went to sleep early. Super tired.

    Sat. gym. Wth. My toe is not improving. Definitely. Training was so super strict. But I will nt be going on 26 aug. FIRST AID COMP!!! HAHA!! Oh after gym went home. Entire body sore. Wahlau. Den at abt 8 plus we went to IMM. Even though I was practically dying. Extreme malu-ness. Saw charmaine senior from media club at giant hypermarket. At the PAD section. Wahhs. Malu like hell. oh yea. Sms-ed jingxin and YM. was alr close to 11 when I reached home. getai just ended. Replied huini and dhanya’s letter. Wrote abit in journal. Sort of decorated the cover. Then went to sleep. Alr 1.30 plus plus.

    Sun. finished Chinese sihan. Did abit research on home econs and ih on the net. Super hard to look for info pls. Then xiyun sms-ed me. Did debrief. And the newspaper review for mon. stupid ms kaur. now every mon must hand up a piece of newspaper review. Yucks. Dint slack so much. Oh and I failed sci by pathetic 4 marks. I dint even study la!! got 11/30. Christmas and chewlin failed too. surprisingly I was not lowest. Someone got below 10.

    Last week.
    Super slack. thurs we had the debate thing during eng encounter. ALL SCHOOLS SHOULD BE SINGLE-SEX SCHOOLS. My cls was the proposition. 2/6 was opposition. We lost. Kinda cos we elaborated too much on the extra points. We were having lit test when we heard 2/6 SCREAM, CHEER AND SHOUT. Whatever.

    Lit test was ok. Wrote super fast so got time to check thru. Am confident enough to at least do well. HAHA. Dint go fer gym. Tired. Then have to iron and sew rc uniform. Then polish boots. Wahlaus.

    Fri was the first ndp rehearsal. Rush like mad. Changed to full u. belt super tight pls. Then some FREAK go comment on my uniform. Confirm fail, crumpled etc etc. wth. I carry ALL THE WAY to sch la. on the bus pls. Somemore no plastic cover. WHADDAYA think?? Obviously crumpled la. even though I can take car, my BROTHER also has to go school right?? I will rather have my uniform crumpled than be a heartless person. Duh. TO SERVE ONE ANOTHER.

    During parade I was like damn serious la. first row. Right next to left marker. Obviously have to be serious. After ndp had evac. Then got all the discipline talk. NO DISCIPLINE ETC ETC. wahlaus. That day was my most disciplined lorhs.

    Went home. Then did some work. Oh yes. Chewlin was telling me abt how yoges ma’am has became nicer. Abt her collar not ironed properly. Then ym offered to draw the line fer her. Or something liddat. Nicenice. SEE WHAT A LIL KINDNESS CAN DO TO A CADET??

    Sat. went make new ezlink card at hougang bus interchange. Then parents go kick up big fuss abt how I never take care of my stuff. Went gym. Super tired. Arms ache like hell. Laoshi tried to rotate my upper arm 360 degrees. Pain lorhs. Did some graph work. Then was alr 1 plus. Went to sleep.

    Sun. did science. Tried to revise. Then did ih. The 1960s bonus mark thingy. Sort of started on it. YAYS. did the newspaper shit too. slept early. Cos of ndp rehearsal on mon.

    Ooh ya someone in my cls got molested on bus. Shant elaborate more. It’s a very traumatizing experience. Both physically and mentally. All I hope is that she stays strong.

    Fats went to give MR LEE JH my blog url. Stupid luh she. Then I went to take down his email add. HAHA. I like mr lee as in his teaching. Fats ALWAYS think sick. Wahlau.
    Mr lee, if u are reading now, tag. At least let me know. And don spread anything around. Thanks.

    School is boring. Lessons are boring. I’ll be back to reading or stoning during ms wee’s lessons. I know I know. I’m Chinese rep. But then I’ve just lost the motivation to listen. Cos her words are illegible. The only interesting lesson right now is sci. I mean, get real la. who would u prefer? Ms tan or mr goh? Eng is ok. But there’s nothing challenging or interesting. Maths is the sarcasm lesson. Lit is super boring. All of it is ANIMAL FARM ANIMAL FARM and more ANIMAL FARM. I’m so sick of animal farm. Ih is ok. Art is relatively good. Batik is nice. Pe is not bad. But it is quite boring. HAHA.

    Oh fri after rc saw mr lee at canteen. He was in casual clothes. WHATS HE DOING THERE AT THIS TIME OF THE DAY?? anw, he thought I was frm youth flying club. Ha. Oh. Forget. Carpenters tools. They came during chapel on fri. And ROCKED the hall!! Haha.

    This mon during CT period the Harvard dins and tonics came to perform. Nice but abit dry. HAHA. Then mr chua and ms shen were doing singspiration. Super funny. DEEP DEEP voice. HAHA. Then had ndp rehearsal. My boots were polished until super shiny pls. But jiaying still say nt good enough. Hmph. During Chinese lsn ms wee came in and first thing she did was to scold scold scold. Oh gosh. So now we have to do one national day diary entry and like 4 chapters of the workbook. Wahlaus. After Chinese sort of banged into the sec 4 seniors. Ym was there. Gave me a shock man. oh then at nite got a call from Eleanor. As in Eleanor from SCGS. Gathering at her hse on 8 aug.

    Ah. I nearly forgot. Musical. Went to Victoria theatre. Lots of other schools people were there. Was sitting on top level. Beside Christmas and below yamuna. Was not bad la. I think alfee was the one dancing on my level. HAHA. The wind tribe was nice. Then me, Christmas, chewlin and sarah sort of got lost while on our way back. HAHAHA. But we managed to get to raffles place mrt. Not bad what. HAHA.

    Then ndp two days ago. Reached school at 6 plus plus. So damn early pls. Then changed into full u in real quick time. Then I noticed my buttons all on the wrong side. So rushed even more. Luckily mrs tan didn’t talk so much. If not I will just die. YAYS no one fainted. So after ndp mr soh cc was like, very good parade. Claps for everyone. Then he said maybe next year can try smth different, like a march pass. Then went to put my bag at rc room. After that went up to hall. Saw ms ramlah. Then she went, peijin you in red cross very on arh. I just smiled then walked off. HAHA. But I think I did better at rehearsals. Cos I fidgeted a bit during actual ndp. HA. Ndp celebrations was super nice. Sang until voice hoarse. But then some BLOOD had to spoil my day. LYNETTE MA’AM is so totally my SAVIOUR man!!! HAHA. Had ih lesson for an hour. Then gym. Wahlau. I missed the farewell party for miss ong!!! ETERNAL GRIEF, REGRET AND GUILT cos she is leaving for the U.S on sat. then 9 aug is also ms ong’s bdae. LIKE WHY ARE ALL TEACHERS LEAVING???

    And I really really HATE popcorn. It causes headaches. And makes my mouth super dry. NO POPCORN for me ever again!!

    Oh btw there is a difference between laoshi and mr lee here. Laoshi refers to my gym instructor. And mr lee is the temp. HCL tchr.

    Holiday mood. Off to play. TATA.

    fantasised at
    9:45 PM

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006



    fantasised at
    3:10 PM

    stupid la. in sch now. prodots CANCELLED.
    some prob or the other.

    maths test SUCKED.
    55 FREAKING MINUTES to draw a travel graph and some other graphs.
    rushing like some sort of idiot.
    whole body was seriously trembling.

    and then i lost my ezlink card.
    have to go to bouna vista to get a new one.
    and pay $19 if i'm not wrong.

    tomorrow is the MUSICAL.
    dunno whether to LAUGH OR CRY.

    and then my hp got confiscated.
    like once i lost my ezlink card my parents got so super suspicious.
    and they went confiscate practically ANYTHING they cld get their hands on.

    ohgosh MR LEE JING HENG is leaving in TWO DAYS' TIME.
    i WILL miss him!!!
    wahhs. super sad ok.
    like EVERYONE LOVES him.
    chinese lsn will SUCK without him.

    i love GREEN!!


    fantasised at
    2:50 PM